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Release Notes
Streaks is regularly updated. If you have any suggestions or bug fixes, please contact support. *** Streaks 9.6 January 2024 This update brings support for visionOS as well as various improvements to Apple Watch and widgets. *** Streaks 9.3 September 2023 This update brings support for iOS 17 and watchOS 10, including: * Added: Interactive widgets (complete tasks, start/stop timers) * Added: Interactive Live Activities (start/stop timers) * Added: Support for new layout in the Shortcuts app * Added: "Time in Daylight" Health task * Added: Support for StandBy * Apple Watch: New fullscreen layouts * Apple Watch: Updated complication/widget support * Apple Watch: Support for Smart Stacks *** Streaks 9.1 April 2023 * New “Decrease Screen Time” and “Increase Screen Time” tasks that use the Screen Time API. *** Streaks 9 March 2023 * Daily Notes: Record your progress and reflections on your tasks * New Themes: Try the new Neon, Pink and Yellow themes, each with multiple variations. * All-New Apple Watch App * Rotate and Flip Task Icons * New "Meditate" and "Levitate" Sounds * Major performance improvements to make the app feeling fast and snappy *** Streaks 8.1.5 January 2023 * Fixed: Negative task may show as incomplete in widgets * Fixed: Selecting a task color may cause a crash in some situations * Fixed: Issue where Up Next screen may show incorrect task countdown in footer * Fixed: Editing timer notification may not update correctly * Changed: Added 15 minute intervals to "sleep" / "in bed" tasks *** Streaks 8.1.3 December 2022 * Added: “Run Shortcut” option on Action Button screen * Added: Quill icon * Fixed: Issue on Apple Watch where completing a task doesn't show the completion * Fixed: Issue where changing notification time doesn't update until reloading the screen * Fixed: Issue that may cause duplicate health records to be recorded *** Streaks 8.1: October 2022 This update brings support for Live Activities and Dynamic Island. Starting a timed task will begin the Live Activity. All timed tasks start a Live Activity by default, but you can toggle this off on a per-task basis from the task notifications screen. Also in this update: * Added: Calendar widget (use the Statistics widget, then change the chart type to Calendar) * Added: Dots lock screen widget can show individual task progress * Added: Dots lock screen now has a wide version * Added: Ability to add a task from the Up Next screen * Added: Ability to set timer notifications on 30 second intervals * Added: Release Notes page that shows new features in each update * Changed: Category details screen now separates out archived tasks from active tasks * Fixed: Issue that may prevent notifications from triggering when a timed task is started from Apple Watch * Fixed: Issue where a task may reset in widgets at midnight, even if start of day is set to something other than midnight *** Streaks 8.0.3 October 2022 * Up Next: You can now choose to sort tasks on this screen by their display order instead of smart ordering. * Task Sharing: Fixes an issue that caused "start sharing" to fail in some circumstances * Notifications: Fixes an issue that caused the streak number to show 1 too high in some circumstances *** Streaks 8.0.2: September 2022 * Up Next: Negative tasks are now only shown in the "Negative Tasks" filter * Up Next: Total number of remaining tasks is now shown in page footer * Categories: You can now add/remove tasks directly from the category management screen * Fixed: Widget: If all tasks are complete, a previously completed task is shown instead of placeholder icon. * Fixed: Widget: Paused tasks now show as complete, like elsewhere in the app. * Added a duplicate task removal tool in Settings > Manage Data. Only shown if similar tasks are found. *** Streaks 8.0 September 2022 Lock Screen Widgets * Show tasks and statistics on your device lock screen. Up Next Screen * Tap the new Up Next button up top to see the next due tasks. * Tasks are shown in the order in which they're due, and will hide once complete. Categories * Create task categories and assign your tasks to one or more categories * Use the category in the Up Next screen, as well as in Widgets and Apple Watch complications Focus Filter * Create a Focus Filter (Settings app > Focus) * When enabled, Streaks will activate the Up Next using the selected category Health Improvements * The sleep task supports new sleep modes (deep sleep, core sleep, REM sleep) * You can now have multiple water / mindfulness tasks that track data separately. Select "Data Source" when creating the task for this option. Mark Today As Skipped * You can now skip the current day, rather than needing to wait until tomorrow. * Select the Settings icon, then long press "..." on the task you wish to skip. Other Notes * Unfortunately, we've had to remove the old "Today Extension". We recommend using the Streaks widgets instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Restore Tasks
Your tasks are periodically backed up, which allows you to load them back into the app. To view your backups, go to: 1. Settings screen 2. Manage Data 3. Backups You will be shown a list of backups, with the newest backup at the top. Select a backup to view its details, including a list of the tasks contained in the backup. Select “Import This Backup” to begin the data import process.
Edit History
From the main screen, tap the task so its mini-calendar appears. Next, long-press on the mini-calendar to reveal the full calendar. You can then tap any day to set it to COMPLETED, MISSED or SKIPPED. COMPLETED (a filled circle) will increase your streak by 1. MISSED (an X) will reset your streak to 0. SKIPPED (a faded circle) will keep your streak the same as the previous day. Today's date appears as an outlined circle.
Undo Completion
If you accidentally mark a task as completed, you can undo the completion in two ways: 1. You can “shake to undo” on iPhone and iPad, or select “File > Undo Last Completion” on Mac. 2. You can edit your task history by long-pressing on a task’s mini-calendar.
Change Theme
To change the theme for the current page, tap the Settings icon (bottom left) to reveal the theme options. Tapping the same theme multiple times toggles between color, black and white versions of the same theme.
Start of Week
DAY-LONG TASKS This setting indicates the first day of the week for day-long tasks. This day is used in several locations: * When calendars are displayed, this day will appear first * The “task days” setting uses this value. For example, if you have a “3 times per week” task, then the new week starts on this day. --- WEEK-LONG TASKS When creating a week-long task, you can choose the first day of the week. By default, this is the day that is set on the Settings screen. At this time it is not possible to change the start of the week for these tasks, as it involves modifying the task history. If you change the day on the Settings screen, existing week-long tasks will not be changed. --- MONTH-LONG TASKS These tasks use the value from the Settings screen when displaying calendars. Because the task resets at the start of a new month, the setting does not impact statistics.
Start of Day
This setting is used to determine when reset your tasks for the new day. By default, this is set to midnight, meaning if you complete your task, then at midnight, it will again appear as incomplete, ready for the next day. If you tend to sleep after midnight, you should change this setting to reflect when you sleep so you can still complete the task, even if it’s past midnight. For example, if you typically go to bed at 1am, then change this setting to 2am might work best for you. *** If you change the start of day to a time other than midnight, then the day still lasts for 24 hours, but the reset time changes. For example, if you change it to 2am, then the day runs from 2am until 1:59am the following day. If the day starts on 1 April at 2am, then completing the task at 1:30am on 2 April will count towards 1 April.


Interactive Widgets
If you’re running iOS 17 and Streaks 9.3, the **Tasks** widget is interactive. At this time, the **Dots** widget is not interactive. The button appears in the following cases: * An incomplete positive task shows the “Complete” button * A timed task will show the “Play/Pause” button * A task with “Open URL” or “Run Shortcut” action button setting will show a button. At this time, negative tasks do not show a “Miss” button.
Turn off Interactive Widgets
If you don’t want the Tasks widget to be interactive, you can follow these steps: 1. Put your iPhone/iPad in jiggle mode 2. Tap on the widget to open its settings 3. Change the **Completion Button** setting to **Hide** 4. Change the **Action Button** setting to **Hide** If you don’t see these options, ensure you’re running Streaks 9.3.4 or newer. If so, you may need to remove and re-add the widget to see those settings.


Edit Task
Tap the Settings icon in the bottom-left, then tap the "..." button on the task you want to edit.
Change Current Page
There are several ways to change the current page: 1. Swipe left/right to move to the next or previous page. You can swipe to the last page from the first page, and vice-versa. 2. Tap or click to the right of the active dot at the bottom to move to the next page (or on the left for the previous page) 3. On iOS, long press on the pager dots until the dots highlight. You can then swipe left/right to change page quickly. 4. On macOS, you can use Cmd-1, Cmd-2, etc. to go directly to a page.
Delete Task
Tap the Settings icon in the bottom-left, then tap the "..." button on the task you want to delete. Scroll to the bottom of the task edit screen to reveal the delete option.
How Do Negative Tasks Work?
Negative tasks work differently to regular tasks, as they start each day as complete. If you do nothing with them, they will stay complete and your streak will continue. If you do the thing you’re trying to avoid, long press to mark it as missed. --- Example: Limiting Yourself to 3 Drinks Per Week If you want to limit yourself to 3 drinks in a week, create the task as follows: 1. Add new task 2. Select “Decrease Alcohol Consumption” 3. Select "Day-long task" and change it to "Week-long task" 4. Change the “Times Per Week" option to "4 times", so it looks like a circle with 4 notches 5. Save task _Note: The reason for selecting 4 times and not 3, is that you're allowed to have 3, but having a 4th will mark the task as Missed._ At the start of the week, the task will be marked as complete. If you have a drink, hold down the task so the inner circle fills, until you see a checkmark. This will record that drink to the Health app, and the task will fill up 25%. Because the task is setup as a "week-long task", the streak number will measure the number of weeks you've achieved this goal.
Sort Tasks
There are two ways to sort your tasks: 1. Tap the Settings icon, then you can long press and drag your tasks to move them within the current page. 2. To move tasks to another page, tap the Settings icon, then tap the “6 dots with arrow” icon on the Settings toolbar.
What Is The ★ Next To The Streak Number?
This indicates that your current streak is also your best for that task. Similarly, a half-filled star means you are one day from reaching your best streak.
What Is The ● Above The Task Icon?
This indicates that if you miss the task today, your streak will be broken. This is only shown for tasks that are set to "number of times week". Also, timed tasks have a similar indicator to count the seconds while the timer is enabled.
What Is The × Above the Task icon?
A small × icon above a task icon is shown for an “allowed miss” on a negative task. Consider a “Don’t Swear” negative task. You’re allowed to swear on Monday, but not on Tuesday. If you swear on Monday, you would tap-hold the task to indicate you missed it. In this case, it would show the task icon with a small X above it. Your streak number will not be reset to 0. If you swear on Tuesday, you would tap-hold to indicate you missed. However, this time the task icon will be replaced by a large X and your streak is reset to 0.
Hide Task Pages
You can hide or show any of the task pages. 1. Tap the Settings icon 2. Select the “6 dots with arrow” icon on the Settings toolbar. 3. Use the checkmark bottom at the bottom-right of each page to show or hide it. You cannot hide the current page. Hiding pages changes the behavior of Streaks in several ways: * The bottom button in the Streaks app will appear differently depending on how many pages you have selected. * You will still receive notifications for tasks on hidden pages. * Tasks on hidden pages will not appear in situations where tasks are automatically shown, such as in widgets. Note: On Apple Watch, the visible/hidden pages are controlled separately from within the Settings screen in the Streaks Apple Watch app.
Vacation Mode
If you are going on vacation and want to pause one or more tasks, you can do so. Each day a task is paused will be recorded as “skipped”, meaning you can resume your streak when the task is resumed. ### Pausing One or More Tasks 1. Select the Settings button 2. Tap “…” on the task you wish to pause. If you want to pause all tasks, choose any. 3. Select “Pause Task” on the task edit screen. Now, you will be prompted if you wish to pause this task only, or all tasks. ### Resuming Paused Tasks A paused task will appear on the main screen with a ![Play](x-icon://renderer/play) action button. Tap this and you will be prompted if you wish to resume that task only, or all paused tasks.

Archived Tasks

What Are Archived Tasks?
An archived task is a task that you are not actively doing, but you do not want to delete it. This allows you to make space for a new task without deleting the history for the task you want to keep. If you restore an archived task, the days between now and when you archived it are marked as “skipped”, meaning you can continue your previous streak.
How Do I Archive or Restore Tasks?
You can archive any of your current tasks, and you can restore them later if necessary. ### Archiving a Task 1. Tap the Settings button on the main screen 2. Tap the “…” button on the task you wish to archive 3. On the Task Edit screen, swipe to near the bottom and select **Archive Task**. ## Restoring an Archived Task Archived tasks appear on the “add task” screen. 1. Go to the page you wish to restore the task to 2. Select the “Add Task” option 3. Your archived tasks should appear in the list here. 4. Select a task to open its Task Edit screen. 5. From here you can choose restore it. ## Deleting Archived Tasks If you have archived tasks you wish to delete permanently, there are two ways to delete them: 1. On the “Add Task” screen, select the task, then select the “Delete Task” option down the bottom. 2. On the “Add Task” screen, long press on the task and select the Delete option.

Apple Watch

Marking a Task as Complete
On Apple Watch, you can mark a task as complete with a single tap. Additionally, you can tap the “…” button for additional options.
Hide Task Pages
You can hide or show any of the task pages on Apple Watch, just as you can on other platforms. 1. Long press on the main screen to open “Settings” 2. Select “Visible Pages” 3. Each of the pages are shown, with a checkmark to indicate whether or not the task is visible. Note: Tasks on hidden pages will not appear in complications unless the page or task is specifically chosen.

Task Sync

Unable To Enable
If you try to enable the task sync functionality and encounter an error, please ensure your iCloud storage isn’t full. Otherwise, please wait a minute then try again. If the issue persists, please contact support and tell us the error you received.
Tasks Will Not Sync Across Devices
If your tasks will not sync correctly across devices, please check the following: * Ensure Streaks is up-to-date on all devices. * Each device must be running Streaks 7.5 or newer * Check for iCloud errors: 1. Go to Settings > iCloud screen in Streaks 2. Tap on "..." in the top-right to view recent errors * Ensure you have space available in your iCloud account: 1. Go to Settings app (or System Preferences on Mac) 2. Select your Apple ID to open iCloud settings 3. Check your space isn't fully used * Ensure Streaks has access to iCloud: 1. Go to Settings app (or System Preferences on Mac) 2. Select your Apple ID, then select iCloud 3. The checkmark next to Streaks should be enabled 4. On Mac, this is found within the iCloud Drive section Additionally, you can go to Settings (in Streaks app) > iCloud > “…” > View iCloud Data to verify that data is uploaded to iCloud. Please check this on each device. If you are still having trouble, please contact us at
Multiple Entries in iCloud Storage
If you to Settings app > Apple ID > iCloud > Manage Account Storage, you see may see multiple entries for Streaks in this list. This is expected - please do not do delete either of these storage containers. * One is used to store the automatic backups that the app saves periodically. * The other is used to store the synced task data. If you wish to reduce the amount of storage used by the app, please try the following: 1. Go to Settings > Manage Data > Backups, then select the trash icon in the top-right. This will prompt you to delete old backups. 2. Removed unused Archived Tasks. Open the “Add Task” screen to show archived tasks. You can then long-press on a task to reveal the delete option.
Timers Not Syncing
At this time, active timers are not synced across devices. When the timer is paused or expires, then that will be synced across your devices. For example, if you start a timer on Apple Watch, you will only be able to see the progress or pause the timer from that device.

Health Tasks

Creating Health Tasks
Streaks can connect to the iOS Health app in a several ways: * Some tasks only read data recorded by other apps (e.g. step count) * Other tasks can also record data to the Health app. RECORDING TO HEALTH There are two ways Streaks can record to Health: 1. Tasks such as dietary / water tasks will record when you mark the task as complete. 2. Tasks such as body weight or blood glucose allow you to enter precise values that you may have measured elsewhere. CREATING A NEW TASK 1. Select add a new task 2. Select either the “Heart” or “Cutlery” icons up the top 3. Select and save a task Tasks that record to Health have a heart-with-arrow icon beside them. LINK AN EXISTING TASK 1. Go to the task settings 2. Select "Convert Task" 3. Select “Link to Health app” 4. Select the task type. When linking a task to Health, a default quantity will be chosen for you. You can edit this value as necessary.
Energy Deficit
This task measures the difference between the energy of the food you eat, compared to your physical activity. If you're currently meeting your goal, the progress indicates how far through the day you currently are. Otherwise, the progress shows 0. Examples: ”Over 0”: On track when "active + resting - dietary" is >= 0 Failing when < 0 "Under 0": On track when "active + resting - dietary" is <= 0 Failing when > 0 "Over 100”: On track when "active + resting - dietary" is >= 100 Failing when < 100
At this time, we are unable to integrate with the Medications tracker in Apple Health. We are hoping that Apple open up this system for third-party apps in the near future. We encourage you to visit the following link to ask Apple to allow third-party apps to access medication data:
Mindful Minutes
The “Mindful Minutes” task tracks meditation sessions recorded to the “Mindfulness” section in the Health app. Note: If you’re using a third-party app to record meditations, it may instead be recorded as a workout. In this case, use the “Work Out” task instead. Streaks can read mindful minutes recorded by other apps, or it can also record mindful minutes. Tracking a Goal: The mindful minutes task is a timed task. When the timer completes (or you hit pause), the amount of time is recorded directly to the Health app. Tracking Number of Sessions: Since Streaks 9.8, you can track number of mindfulness sessions. When doing this, this task cannot record to the Health app. Instead, it will count the number of sessions in the Health app, either recorded by another app or by a separate timed task in Streaks. To track number of sessions: 1. On the task edit screen, select the Goal configuration option. 2. Select “…” in the top right and choose “Remove Goal” 3. Back on the task edit screen, the “times per day” option will now track number of sessions.

Shared Tasks

Start Sharing A Task
You can share any of your tasks with other Streaks users, which means they can see your progress and be notified when you complete the task. To share your task: 1. Select Settings on the main screen. 2. Select “…” on the task you want to share. 3. Select Start Sharing on the Task Edit screen. 4. Now you can send an invitation to the other person. Note that the person you share a task with must also be running Streaks 7 or newer. Once the other person receives an invite, they can open that link to launch Streaks and to start following your task.
Stop Sharing A Task
To stop sharing a task that you have previously shared: 1. Select “Settings” on the main screen. 2. Select “…” on the task you want to stop sharing. 3. Select “Shared With" on the Task Edit screen. 4. Select “Stop Sharing”. Other users who are following this task of yours will now be shown a message to indicate the task is no longer being shared.
Start Following A Task
When a task is shared with you, you will receive an invitation which allows you to add the task your Streaks app. 1. Select the invitation (e.g. tap the link) 2. Streaks will then open and indicate that the task is being added. 3. Once complete, you will be shown confirmation, with an option to choose a task owner icon (you can change this icon later). You will now receive updates when the task owner completes the task, and you can check their progress within Streaks.
Stop Following A Task
To stop following a task that another user has shared with you: 1. Select “Settings” on the main screen. 2. Select “…” on the task you want to stop following. 3. Select “Delete Task” from the bottom of the Task Edit screen. The owner of this task will be able to see that you are no longer following the task.
Change Task Owner Icon
When a task is shared with you, a badge appears over the task showing an icon for the owner of the task. This icon is the same for each task that user shares with you. To change this icon: 1. Select “Settings” on the main screen. 2. Select “…” on the task you want to change the owner icon for. 3. Select “Shared By” on the Task Edit screen. 4. Select “…” that appears on the owner icon. 5. Select a new icon.
Send A Message
You can quickly send a message to the owner of a task, directly from Streaks. Note that this uses the system Messages app. 1. Select “Settings” on the main screen. 2. Select ”…” on the task you want to show the message option. 3. Select "Action Button" on the Task Edit screen. 4. Select “Send Message”. 5. Go back and select ”Done”. Now, you will see a ”Message” icon on the task. When you tap this icon, you can send a message directly from Streaks. *Note: The first time you select this button you may need to link the task owner to your address book. All of this information stays on device and is used only for the stated purpose.*
Unable to Share Task
Streaks uses iCloud when sharing tasks with other users. If an error occurs when trying to share a task, please check the following: * Ensure Streaks is up-to-date on your device * Ensure Streaks has access to iCloud: 1. Go to Settings app (or System Preferences on Mac) 2. Select your Apple ID, then select iCloud 3. The checkmark next to Streaks should be enabled 4. On Mac, this is found within the iCloud Drive section * Ensure you have space available in your iCloud account: 1. Go to Settings app (or System Preferences on Mac) 2. Select your Apple ID to open iCloud settings 3. Check your space isn't fully used If you are still having trouble, please contact us at


Application Badge
The application badge indicates the number of tasks still to be completed today. You can turn this option off on the Setting screen using the “Show Countdown Badge on App” option. You can also include or exclude specific tasks from being included by changing the task’s notification settings.
Automatic Times
When creating a new task, its notification schedule is set to “Automatic Times". This means that the app automatically determines when to send notifications based on when you normally complete that task. Sometimes these times won’t suit your needs, so you can choose instead for reminders to appear at specific times.
Location Based Notifications
It is possible to receive a reminder notification for a task when arriving at a location. To do so, use the system Shortcuts app: 1) Launch Shortcuts app 2) Select “Automation" tab 3) Select “+** in the”top-right 4) Select “Create Personal Automation” 5) Select “Arrive” 6) Select a location, then select “Next”. You should now be on the “Actions” screen for this automation. 1) Select “Add Action” 2) Select “Apps”, then “Streaks” 3) Select “Send Reminder” 4) Choose a task where it says “Reminder for <Task>”, then select “Next” 5) Select “Done” to save this automation. You will now receive a reminder when you arrive at the selected location. Note: The notification is only sent if the task is not yet complete. You can change the “When To Send” parameter in the Automation to control this.
Time Sensitive Notifications
When using Focus Modes in iOS (e.g. Do Not Disturb), there is an option to allow only notifications marked as “Time Sensitive” to be delivered. In Streaks, the Time Sensitive option when configuring task notifications determines whether or not the reminder will be marked as Time Sensitive. **Time Sensitive Enabled in Streaks:** * If you’re not in a Focus Mode, then the notification will be delivered normally. * If you’re in a Focus Mode that allows time sensitive notifications, then that notification from Streaks will still be delivered with a sound, alert or banner. * If you’re in a Focus Mode that doesn’t allow time sensitive notification, then that notification will be delivered silently. **Time Sensitive Not Enabled In Streaks:** * If you’re not in a Focus Mode, then the notification will be delivered normally. * If you’re in a Focus Mode, then that notification will be delivered silently.

Action Button

Opening Other Apps
To open another app on your device using the task’s action button, use the “Open URL” option. Next, you must enter the URL that launches the app. There are two ways to achieve this: 1. Use The App’s URL Scheme Many apps provide a custom URL that allows them to be launched. For example, If you entered “streaks://“ in your web browser, it will launch the Streaks app. While many apps do publish their custom scheme, many also do not make this obvious. 2. Use the Shortcuts App You can use the system Shortcuts app to create a launcher for any app on your device. Once you have created this shortcut, you can then link to it from the Streaks action button. 1. Launch Shortcuts 2. Select “+” to add a new shortcut 3. Add the “Open App” action 4. Select which app you want to open 5. Give the Shortcut a name, such as “Open XYZ App”. You can link directly to this shortcut from Streaks: 1. Select “Run Shortcut” in the list of actions. 2. Enter the name of the Shortcut you just created.

Feedback, Suggestions and Bugs

How to Contact Us
If you have feedback, suggestions or a bug to report, please contact us. The best way to contact us is by email: We try to answer emails as quickly as possible, but please be aware that as a small team we can’t answer every email right away.
Streaks is available in over 25 languages, but our native language is English. If you notice an issue with a phrase in your language, you can either contact support and let us know, or you can update our translation yourself! 1. Visit 2. Create a One Sky account and log in 3. Choose your language 4. Find the phrase you wish to change 5. Submit the update We will then aim to include changes in subsequent app updates.